Saturday 17 November 2012

Babies Are Potheads: Cannabinoids in Breast Milk

The term pothead has been long associated with a heavy Marijuana user. One who live by the use of Marijuana day by day. A normal Pothead's staple diet includes carbohydrates, proteins,water & Cannabinoids.

That being said, a pothead is quite similar to a human infant, or a baby.


 Because researchers have long found Cannabinoids similar to the ones found in Marijuana, "occurs naturally in human breast milk" . The article claims that without Cannabinoid stimulation, an infant will never learn how to feel hungry, which will lead to nourishment deprivation. In less fancy words, death by hunger (but without even knowing that you are hungry). Here it is in all its fancy glory, for all you doctors & skeptics.

Yet another proof of how naturally close we are intertwined with this miraculous plant. Another huge point in making Hemp based food legal.

But as we are speaking, innocent people are locked in prison for it. Worse, many have gone through the capital punishments. Some are even deprived of their vital medicine We are not talking about the drug dealers & criminals, purposely polluting the youth for personal gain, or the unguided youths, naively taking Cannabis just to chase 'highs'. This is for the innocent people who are the victims of inhumane laws.

People like Cash Michael Hyde, a 4 year old boy who just passed away on the 14th November. His Medical Marijuana supply was blocked by the authority, so his brain cancer won the 3rd round. His brain tumor had gone into remission twice, medicated with Medical Marijuana

Rest In Peace.

"I now have absolute proof that smoking even one marijuana cigarette is equal in brain damage to being on Bikini Island during an H-bomb blast" - Ronald Reagan (funded $1.7 billion dollars in the War on Drugs, mainly aimed at Marijuana)


  1. dear cashy..
    your pain is unbearable. i am a mom, i cant imagine if i lost my children at the age like u.
    i make an oath..i will fight for it no matter what it takes. rest in peace there little boy.
    u are safe now in heaven.

    1. Cash was just one of the many people who suffered from the prohibition of Marijuana. These patients pays with their life, how many 'examples' do we need?
